Joshua Samonte


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Engineering at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2025.

Interests: Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Sustainability, Computer Architecture, Robotics


Bytes & Bites: Bytes & Flights 2024-04-23

My colead and I teamed up with SCADA Lab's, Professor Mark Nelson, to create an interactive event for Engineering students by having them track airplanes using Raspberry Pis and teach them more about Computer Engineering.

Educational Technology Raspberry Pi Planning Teamwork Leadership C

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Implementing an ALU on a FPGA Board 2023-10-30

I worked alongside 2 other Computer Engineering students to design, implement, and test an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) circuit on a Digilent Basys3 FPGA Development Board using Vivado and System Verilog

FPGA Computer Engineering Vivado SystemVerilog Teamwork

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Animal Farm 2023-05-05

A compilation of cat and animal based labs on object-oriented programming for EE 205 to build "Animal Farm".

C++ Object Oriented Programming Computer Engineering

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Coding Standards

25 Sep 2024

Introduction While many coding languages are fairly similar to learn and implement, the main differences lie in minuscule things such as spacing, brackets, and just formatting in general. This can be thought of as “Coding Standards”. While I understand why...

Coding ESLint Standards

Asking Mindful Questions

12 Sep 2024

Introduction Have you ever heard someone say “There’s no such thing as a stupid question”? Eric Raymond may beg to differ, and he has some good points to support it, especially in the world of software engineering. While often you...

StackOverflow Questions Mindful

Engineering a Greener Hawaii

08 Sep 2024

Growing up, I always had an innate desire to help others. But like many other kids, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I spent a lot of my free time both inside and outside of the house but...

Growth Engineering Sustainability

Joshua's Perspective on Typescript and WODs

05 Sep 2024

Background Typescript/Javascript will be the fourth language I am being exposed to right after C, C++, and Python. Being that I am studying Computer Engineering, the past two years have really been focused around mostly on the use of C...

Typescript Javascript Programming Computer Science